Erectile dysfunction was relatively unknown several decades ago. But today, there are plenty of drugs manufactured to address this issue.
While many are baffled how this disease became rampant among men, threatening their sexual life and performance, several manufacturers are in a race to come up with a safe yet effective cure.
There could be a lot of reasons for erectile dysfunction. It could be due to a lack of physical activity, unhealthy lifestyle, poor nutrition, inadequate sleep, or stress.
All of which are common among this generation. While some affected males managed to overcome this problem, the majority turned to the wonders of science for solutions to their current predicament.
One of these products is Viasil, a popular natural male performance enhancer. This product is formulated to help address the sexual problems in males, including impotence, erectile dysfunction, and reduced libido.
How much of this claim is true, we are about to find out in this Viasil review. It will take a deep dive into the components of this pill, how it works, and what are the expected results when you take them.
What is Viasil?
Out of several male enhancement drugs that are available in the market today, Viasil is among the most popular because of its claim that it’s made from all-natural ingredients.
This performance enhancer pill was developed by Swiss Research Labs and distributed by Wolfson Berg Limited.
This performance enhancer is formulated to increase longevity, support, and strengthen erection during sexual intercourse. It also increases sex drive while addressing erectile dysfunction in men.
Viasil can also improve performance in the bedroom because it can increase stamina and endurance.
The erection of the male sex organ hinges on sexual arousal. It involves vascular activities in the area caused by the increase in blood flow to the erectile tissues.
This action is due to the ingredients present in the pill that helps increase the production of two major compounds: nitric oxide and Adenosine Triphosphate.
Both of these compounds work in directing the flow of blood to the penile region. When there is enough blood flow, it can make a significant difference in penile erection resulting in better sexual performance.
The male body is producing Adenosine Triphosphate for energy naturally. Nitric oxide is responsible for consistent blood flow.
However, its production tends to decrease in men due to several factors. The usual culprit includes illness, stressful lifestyle, and age.
This is where Viasil comes in. it acts as a natural enhancer that increases the production of these two hormones. When a person takes Viasil, they will feel significant improvement in the libido, energy, and erection.
The Benefits of Taking Viasil
Viasil has a special formula made from all-natural ingredients. It was developed to restore sexual vigor, stamina in bed, and sexual health among males so that they can perform better in bed.
Here are the five expected results from taking Viasil:
1. It significantly increases physical strength. Men who are taking Viasil can have better physical strength, which is much needed during sexual intercourse. They will feel more energized and stronger.
2. It improves endurance. Because users will have more energy, it will naturally result in more intense and satisfying sexual intercourse. It brings back the same intensity when during their younger years.
3. It helps in maintaining healthy blood flow to the penile tissues. Erection is caused by the rush of blood into the penis and its tissues.
With Viasil, it not only improves blood flow, but it also helps sustain harder and longer erection. As a result, the partner will be satisfied and will have heightened orgasm, improving sexual relationships with their partners as well.
4. Increase libido. Aging and stress are two debilitating factors that could lead to lower libido. Using Viasil can solve this problem as it naturally brings back the appetite for sex.
5. It improves overall well-being. Healthy sex life is directly linked to improved overall health. When a person is taking Viasil, he will experience a sudden change. It will give them more confidence and become more sexually gratified.
This good feeling can make a significant improvement in his health. It’s like he has renewed energy and has a spring on his step.
How Does Viasil Work?
Viasil boosts the production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) and mitochondria in the cells. This is a molecule that has two components: adenine and ribose sugars.
These two components are responsible for producing adenosine, a biochemical compound that contains nitrogen, and part of nucleotides that made up ATP. It has a vital role in metabolism as a valuable source of energy.
Through a chemical process, the powerful and high-energy bonds in ATP are broken to release significant amounts of energy. This energy is then stored in the body to perform different functions.
For a person taking Viasil, this is where a large amount of energy is coming from. It helps in achieving successful hard, and longer erections.
Another important compound in Viasil is Nitric Oxide. This is an essential biochemical compound that helps in maintaining sexual health and increasing libido and thereby, promoting firm and hard penile erections.
This compound is released into every time a person is aroused, triggering the rush of blood into the penile tissues.
It also helps the penile tissues accommodate the surge of blood by relaxing the blood vessels. When the vessels are dilated it enables more blood into the chambers around the penis.
In short, this is the bodily process that is responsible for making the penis hard and stiff for an extended period.
In males with erectile dysfunction, they are found to have lower levels of nitric oxide in their bodies, along with inadequate nutrients like zinc.
This is essential in maintaining sexual health as Zinc is a known precursor of testosterone production.
And you know what testosterone does? It is the primary male sex hormone that has direct control over erectile function, reproductive function, and lastly, their overall libido.
Does Viasil Work?
The manufacturer of Viasil claims that it is an all-natural supplement and proven fast and effective.
It does not have any negative effects on the body because it merely aids in its performance and does not create any harmful chemical reaction.
Other supplements of its kind interfere with the body chemical processes and still, these drugs do not address the problem: lower ATP and nitric oxide.
The good thing about Viasil is it works right on the cause of the problem. By increasing the ATP and nitric oxide, it causes a series of processes that increase sex drive.
Once this is lit, the body will respond accordingly and helps improve sexual performance naturally.
The company is confident of what this male enhancement supplement can do; it even offered a money-back guarantee on the product.
Is Viasil Safe to Use?
Viasil is an all-natural male enhancement supplement that is manufactured by a trusted company with a stellar reputation in the industry.
It means you have the assurance that you are getting a good quality product. On top of that, the company even offers money-back for Viasil.
Another point why you should trust this product is the information about their ingredients are available on their website.
It goes to show that this company is confident about the quality and purity of their product.
And if the reviews are to be believed, customers have good reviews about their experience in using the supplement.
The Viasil Ingredients
Here are the ingredients contained in each pill of Viasil:
This ingredient is common and a necessity in every male enhancement supplement out there. It is easy to understand why. Its primary role is in promoting hormonal balance and in maintaining the right amount of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.
The parts of this plant that has medicinal value are its fruits and roots, which has phytosteroids, glycosides, flavonoids, and alkaloids. With all these compounds present in Viasil, it increases the level of testosterone in males. This directly affects libido and overall sexual performance.
This is a key ingredient that boosts the natural production of ATP that gives the body an increase in its energy reserves. With more energy in males, it can make them last longer in bed for better performance.
This is another commonly found ingredient in most natural supplements and for a reason. Ginkgo biloba contains lots of compounds that benefit the body.
In Viasil, this ingredient is used to promote healthy blood circulation, particularly in the male genital areas. It results in healthy dilation of the capillaries in the penis for a harder and firmer erection.
It is also common in many supplements due to its supertonic property. This helps in maintaining healthy bodily functions. Its presence in Viasil helps reduce the stress level in the body and promotes the natural production of testosterone, which is a hormone responsible for enhancing sexual performance.
Zinc has a natural male boosting quality. Maintaining the right amount of Zinc in males helps in increasing the quantity and motility of the sperm. It can also help males to have better control of their erection for a more satisfying sexual encounter.
Zinc also promotes healing in damaged cells. When there is cellular impairment in the penis, it can lessen the blood supply and prevents achieving hard and firm erection. The zinc content in Viasil helps in the repair of the penile cells.
- Epimedium brevocorum
This herb is found in Africa and has lacarine content. This substance is important because it inhibits the release of PDE5. When this happens, the body can have proper blood flow, and it promotes the natural functions of the nervous system.
- Pomegranate
This fruit is a natural antioxidant and contains lots of vitamins. It also fights the free radicals, which are responsible for the diminishing libido in men. With the right amount of this ingredient, it can affect the production of nitric oxide, which is responsible for the improvement of blood flow into the male genital area.
What are the Side Effects of Viasil?
There are no known cases of side effects from taking Viasil. Probably due to the strict quality standards of its manufacturers as Viasil is produced in a government-approved facility.
However, some people may have allergic reactions to the ingredients present in Viasil. It can range from low blood pressure levels, fever, cough, and many others. We advise you to refer to the ingredients list and consult your physician before taking the product.
What Customers Say About Viasil?
Most of the reviews about Viasil are positive. And they like it that the manufacturer is transparent about the ingredients present in the supplement.
None of these ingredients are harmful, and it does not cause chemical actions with the body. Adding to the positive reviews is the reliability reputed background of the company that makes Viasil.
Many of the users felt the effects of the supplement on the significant changes in energy, physical change on their erection, and feeling of renewed vigor. They also noted that this supplement is more affordable than other pills in the market today.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: When is the best time to take Viasil?
A: For best results, it is better to take Viasil 30 minutes before you are expecting to have sex. It should be taken on an as-needed basis, and you must be over 18 years old. For those with pre-existing conditions, you should consult your doctor first.
Q: Can I stack Viasil with other products?
A: You can stack this product to enhance your erections and libido along with another efficient male enhancer. Taking testosterone booster along with Viasil can increase your libido and stamina, for example.
Q: Can I use Viasil for a longer time?
A: Viasil is safe, and you can use it all year round because it is made from all-natural ingredients, and the body will not build up a tolerance with the pill. However, make sure that you always take it according to the recommended dosage.
Should You Buy Viasil?
Based on the review, Viasil is a fast-acting, safe, effective male enhancement supplement that can help you achieve a more satisfying sex life. It came from a reputable company and is made in a safe facility.
Its ingredients are all-natural and do not use chemicals that would interfere with the body’s normal functions. Therefore, we see sufficient reasons for you to buy these male enhancement pills.
Final Thoughts
Viasil is a promising male enhancement pill that works by increasing the ATP and nitric oxide production in the body. Both of these compounds have positive effects on the body.
It gives energy, stamina, improves sexual drive, and increases the blood flow to the penile area resulting in a firmer, harder, and longer-lasting erection.
It is a safe enhancement pill because it is made from natural ingredients. Thus, it has no adverse side effects. Viasil can help fight erectile dysfunction safely too.
Effectiveness - 9/10
Safety - 8.5/10
User Feedback - 8.5/10
Price - 7.6/10